Contributed by Diane U.
1. Know Your Audience
a. Create your resume specific to each company/position you are applying for. This requires more work/time, but is definitely worth the extra effort.
b. Use keywords from within the Job Posting to add to your resume.
c. Research the company(s) you are interested in pursuing. Get a feel for the business/industry as this will assist in preparing your resume for each company.
2. Format Your Resume for a Clean Look
a. Font Size – no smaller than a 10 point. Keep it clean and simple.
b. List employment history from current to oldest.
c. Use bullet points to list brief job responsibilities. Do not get too detailed in this section.
d. Use italic typeface and/or bold on selected information to stand out and catch the reader’s eye.
e. Preferred/suggested length of a resume should be no longer than 2 pages.
3. Strengths
a. Be specific. Example: *strong customer service, *proven leadership skills, etc.
b. Get the potential employer intrigued to continue reading.
c. List the most relevant first.
4. Contact Information/Online Presence
a. Provide your ‘personal’ email address and phone number within your resume.
b. If your work involves social media in some facet, you may want to consider including the URL to those accounts. Examples include LinkedIn, Twitter, personal blog and/or website, etc.
5. Share/Review Resume *This is important*
a. Have 1 or 2 individuals read/review the resume. They will most likely find grammatical errors, spelling, and/or incomplete sentences.
b. Read the resume out loud to yourself. This is another proven way to pick up on improper word choices, sentence structure, etc.
c. Review/read it again the next day as this is when you are most likely to find errors and make potential changes.
Happy Job Hunting and Good Luck with your Job Search!